Outsourced assembly of automatic machines

Assembly of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical components
Optimisation of automatic machines with Design for Assembly

Experience as a journey through mechanical assembly: TECNOMEC and MHT
Do you know how long 100,000 hours of assembly of automatic machines is? The time it takes the earth to complete eleven revolutions around the sun!
If this seems like an astronomical number, just think how much experience DICO GROUP’s expert automatic machine assembly technicians in its TECNOMEC and MHT divisions have gained in all sectors of the packaging industry.
In our 30 years of experience, our close partnership as contract assembly provider for the largest players in the packaging industry has allowed us to create a production facility which is unparalleled in Italy in the field of assembly of automatic machines.
Mechanical assembly of automatic packaging machines
TECNOMEC and MHT are the DICO GROUP business units responsible for assembly of automatic machines, and represent a genuine centre of excellence in this field.
Right from our first contact with the customer, we have learned to understand the potential problems with the individual assembly procedures to perform. We know how to identify the most suitable assembly technicians to perform the required work.
Our vast experience allows us to identify the various skills and expertise required for the assembly process in question. From series production of assemblies down to an individual prototype, or else to adapt the assembly to lean production processes.
This is why we consider it so important to be a point of reference and support for our customers’ technical departments. Our assistance is often requested in improving or simplifying a product.
We can provide suitable support for all technical aspects of the product to be manufactured. Even with different customer departments involved in the project, such as the purchasing, production and design teams.
Complexity of automatic machines – different for every sector
The assembly of automatic machines is a team process. The characteristics of automatic machinery and industrial systems vary widely depending on the sector for which they are destined. Assembly is often the final phase for an industrial machine, and all its parts – mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electric – must be perfectly synchronised.
At TECNOMEC and MHT, we carry out assembly of machines for all the major industrial sectors: pharmaceutical, tobacco, food. This is in addition to the installation of accessories such as grippers, palletisers and conveyors.
The assembly cycle is extremely important for all automatic machines: it determines the processes which must be managed and the regulation of the different assemblies or parts of the machine which must be mutually compatible.
We can handle complex assembly projects thanks to our efficiency and experience. In our many trips around the sun in this field, we have had the chance to assemble and install many different types of machinery. For example modular machines, with alternating or continuous motion. We are particularly proud that our customers view us as an essential partner who can efficiently solve their problems.
Support in Design for Assembly (DFA)
During this journey, which has allowed us to grow our experience and knowledge in the field of mechanical assembly to such a degree, we have managed to expand our expertise. It has become essential for MHT to be able to offer itself as a partner in Design for Assembly, or DFA processes.
What does this mean? It essentially means direct feedback, from the point of view of assembly, in partnership with the customer. These valuable suggestions allow the design of a mechanical product to be improved, facilitating its production.
The advantages are numerous – indeed, DFA allows:
- Elimination of components found to be superfluous making use of original design solutions
- Facilitation of the assembly operations, avoiding situations where assembly is known to be problematic
- Perfection of the supply, orientation and handling of components. For example, by eliminating fouling or identifying non-significant tolerances.
DFA analyses the assembly possibilities and suggests design solutions to optimise and improve the entire automatic machine.
When Design for Assembly (DFA) becomes strategic for production
This type of activity takes on strategic importance for a manufacturer of machines when it wishes to:
- Modify an existing product to adapt it to an industrialised production process;
- Improve an existing product by simplifying it and improving its intrinsic quality;
- Check the design of a new product by assembling a prototype and suggesting improvements.
TECNOMEC and MHT, your partners for all automatic machine assembly projects. Outsourcing with significant economic and organisational advantages for our customers’ industrial production. Contact us to discuss how to outsource part of your production.